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Rescue & Adoption Info

Rescue & Adoption

11100354_916318178433302_7584796310718198126_nAt Critter Jungle, we support the ethical treatment of all life. Each and every day pets are neglected, mistreated, abused and left to fend for themselves. While many choose to turn a blind eye, we do everything we can to better the lives of our fury, feathered and scaled friends.

We are proud supporters of  many animal adoption programs across our city. We promote rescue as the #1 source of a new pet. Critter Jungle is an official partner of “The Cat Rescue Network” and is an official “PAL Partners” location. These programs allow us to temporarily house cats, rabbits, guinea pigs and an assortment of other small animals, while searching for their forever home. This is a great alternative to dealing with the direct sale of animals from large breeding facilities.

Puppy Mills have become a huge concern in the pet industry. Many companies choose to purchase puppy’s from large facilities, in order to save on costs. Unfortunately, these “Mills” are often irresponsible, and put sales well above the health of their animals. For this reason, we do not sell ANY puppy’s what-so-ever. Instead, we support local rescues and help them to raise money towards their cause. Take a look at our “Rescue Events” page for more information

Adoption Programs

If you are interested in helping out a local animal rescue or adopting a pet of your own,  please contact us today and check out our list of “Recommended Adoption Sources” below:

All Pets

Small Animals 


